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Performing X-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements is no longer reserved only for synchrotron beamlines. A lab-based solution developed at the BLiX lab (Technical University Berlin) has now been commercialized by HP Spectroscopy .
Over the last years, an increasing interest of chemists and materials scientists to perform X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) studies in the lab has triggered academic research towards laboratory spectrometers. A highly innovative lab-XAS spectrometer was developed at the Berlin Laboratory for Innovative X-ray Technologies (BLiX) , led by Dr. Wolfgang Malzer and Prof. Dr. Birgit Kanngiesser. This laboratory spectrometer is dedicated to performing X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS) measurements, and features a modified Von Hamos geometry, based on a pyrolytic graphite crystal and a DECTRIS EIGER2 R 500K X-ray detector. The use of this two-dimensional hybrid photon counting detector has made it possible to achieve high-energy resolution, large solid angles of detection and a detection of weak signals. In one of our webinars, Dr. Wolfgang Malzer explains EXAFS and the instrument setup. Watch the recording here.
Based on many years of development at BLiX, this XAFS spectrometer was recently brought to the market and turned into a turn-key solution by HP Spectroscopy .
“The core competence of our company is spectroscopy at vacuum wavelengths and beyond” says Dr. Jens Rauschenberger, managing director of HP spectroscopy. “The collaboration with BLiX came naturally. The hiXAS spectrometer was built on their extensive knowledge on X-ray absorption spectroscopy and our experience in building spectrometers and their components” concludes Jens.
The hiXAS spectrometer offers a complete lab-based-solution for EXAFS and XANES analyses in the 5-12 keV range. The spectrometer was launched in 2021, together with our DECTRIS EIGER2 R 250K detector. The virtual product launch can be watched here .
Meet Dr. Jens Rauschenberger, Managing Director of HP Spectroscopy and Dr. Dubravka Sisak Jung, Scientific Liaison at DECTRIS at the upcoming European Conference on X-ray Spectrometry (EXRS) in Belgium. They will be happy to chat with you and tell you more about EXAFS solutions for your laboratory.
Don’t miss our presentations!
Monday, 27 June 2022 from 15.30h - 15.50h
Session 2C Vendors
“XAS and XES laboratory spectrometers with hybrid photon counting detectors” with Dr. Dubravka Sisak Jung
Tuesday, 28 June 2022 from 09.30h - 09.50h
Session 3C X-ray absorption and X-ray emission Spectrometry
“XAS from synchrotrons to labs: novel compact XAS instrumentation” with Dr. Jens Rauschenberger
Can’t make it to the conference but still want to know more?
Contact HP Spectroscopy at
Contact DECTRIS at
The Berlin Laboratory for innovative X-ray Technologies aims to transfer knowledge and technology in this field. In the knowledge triangle of research, innovation, and education, it is designed to be a hub for collaborative technological development. BLiX is jointly operated by the Technische Universität Berlin and the Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy.
HP Spectroscopy was founded in 2012 and has been innovating VUV and soft X-ray spectrometers since then. Recent extensions of the product portfolio include X-ray spectrometers as well as turn-key EXAFS and XANES solutions.