Aug 29, 2019 - Aug 30, 2019

Biological X-ray Scattering

DECTRIS is traveling to Hamburg for the Biological X-ray Scattering symposium on August 29–30 to celebrate both the 20th anniversary of the ATSAS software and the birthday of EMBL bio SAXS group leader Dmitri Svergun – we wouldn't miss it for the world! Svergun's group has been part of the DECTRIS story from the beginning, from some of the first PILATUS 2M measurements to recent tests with the new EIGER2 detectors.

DECTRIS Product Manager Nicolas Pilet will give a talk on Thursday, August 29 at 12:20, and you can also find him at the DECTRIS booth throughout the event. The international Hamburg SAXS Symposium focuses on the developments in small-angle scattering applied to structural biology, covering methods, instruments, and science. 

HH-SAX Symposium