Jun 23, 2021 - Jun 23, 2021

Webinar: ID22 at ESRF for high-energy PXRD and PDF

Wednesday, June 23, 2021
2 p.m. (CEST) 
with Dr. Catherine Dejoie from the European Synchrotron (ESRF)

The ID22 beamline at the ESRF offers the possibility to carry out high-flux, high-resolution PXRD and PDF measurements over a wide range of X-ray energies. Following the ESRF-EBS upgrade, ID22 has adopted a novel experimental setup, which relies on the combination of multianalyzer crystals and a 2D HPC-detector.

In this webinar, Dr. Catherine Dejoie, beamline scientist at ID22, will present the possibilities of the upgraded beamline, and explain how the novel experimental setup will be used to optimize peak shapes and statistics, remove parasitic effects and allow for volume profiling of the sample.

Watch the recording