Jun 30, 2021 - Jun 30, 2021

Webinar: High Energy XRD In a Lab

Wednesday, June 30, 2021
12 p.m. (CEST) 
with Dr. Jens Meyer from STOE

Nowadays there is a huge variety of wavelengths used for the single crystal diffraction in a home lab, from Cu radiation up to In radiation. With the ongoing development of new generations of X-ray sources and detectors, it is now possible to perform experiments in the home lab, which were preferably measured in synchrotron facilities in the past. As a result, a lot of “non-standard” experiments became prominent and can be considered more and more to be routine.

In this webinar, Dr. Jens Meyer from STOE will present a variety of experiments that can be performed in the home lab with a STOE STADIVARI Single Crystal Diffractometer in combination with DECTRIS CdTe detectors and the new generation of high performance microfocus sources. He will give insights into experimental setups and data collection techniques for Diamond Anvil Cell (DAC) experiments, PDF experiments and charge density studies. Additionally, recent advances in detector technology will be highlighted and the benefits tangible for scientists will be made transparent, e.g., gaining measurement speed and improving data quality.

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