Aug 04, 2020 - Aug 04, 2020

Webinar: EELS with a Hybrid Pixel Detector: The Performances of DECTRIS ELA and NION IRIS Spectrometer

Tuesday, August 4, 2020
5 p.m. (CEST) | 11 a.m. (EST)
with Tracy C. Lovejoy from NION

What makes a detector ideal for electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) applications? How can it affect the technique and the field? And what results could be achieved with a DECTRIS ELA detector integrated into a NION IRIS spectrometer? Tracy C. Lovejoy, COO at NION,  who has recently co-authored a peer-reviewed article on a characterization of a hybrid pixel detector, will present the results of NION's research and share his outlook on the new era of EELS. Together with Luca Piazza from DECTRIS, he will answer your questions about the performance of hybrid pixel detectors, their integration in the spectrometer, and the potential of this experimental setup. 

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About NION

NION is a world-class developer of advanced scanning transmission electron microscopes and other electron-optical instruments. Working in close collaboration with its customers, the company strives to offer instruments that answer real scientific needs in the real world. NION microscopes elevate the concept of dedicated STEM to a fundamentally new level.

About ELA

The DECTRIS ELA detector is equipped with a Si sensor and can be operated at 9000 spectra/sec in continuous readout mode between 30 and 200 keV. Its optimized parameters allow elemental mapping in nearly real time, and recording momentum-resolved EEL spectra within minutes.


Ultramicroscopy - Hybrid pixel direct detector for electron energy loss spectroscopy.