Mar 11, 2021 - Mar 11, 2021

Virtual product launch: Introducing our newest EIGER2 R detector

Thursday, March 11, 2021
3 p.m. (CET) 

Incorporating all state-of-the art features of HPC technology, the EIGER2 R detector series is indispensable for your laboratory. Join our virtual product launch and get up to speed with the latest developments at DECTRIS!

Our product manager XRD, Dr. Marcus Müller, will introduce you to our new detector and highlight its features and specifications. Find out about the benefits of seamless integration of our latest detector with our guest speaker, Dr. Christina Drathen, Product Manager XRD at Bruker AXS. You will also have the chance to learn about how you can use the versatile EIGER2 R detectors in X-ray spectroscopy with our Scientific Liaison, Dr. Dubravka Sisak Jung. Our second guest speaker, Dr. Jens Rauschenberger, Managing Director of HP Spectroscopy, will introduce you to to a new laboratory instrument for X-ray absorption spectroscopy. As a special, we will also talk about the improvements of one of our existing EIGER2 R products.

View the recording here