Aug 14, 2021 - Aug 22, 2021

IUCr 2021 – the keyword is hybrid

The  IUCr congress is going hybrid! From our side, there are many reasons to be excited about it: “hybrid” is one of our favorite words, this year we are marking our 15th anniversary, and, most importantly, we get a chance to meet YOU! In this context, Marcus Müller, Tilman Donath and Dubravka Sisak Jung are heading to Prague to munch some chocolate with you, while Adela Bekic, Max Burian, Nicolas Pilet and Stefan Brandstetter are getting ready to host you in our virtual space. In between the booths, our jolly teams are excited to listen your research across topics and microsymposia, and also to present some of their scientific contributions:

“When a routine fails” 
Marcus Müller presents data collection strategies and algorithms that can be used to solve complex structures from Powder X-ray Diffraction data. Don’t miss his talk on Saturday, 15.08., at MS-11 session 14:45:17:10.

“Crystallographic education in real and reciprocal space”
What does a modern crystallographer need? Can crystallography get more interdisciplinary by adopting didactics, communications and economics? Dubravka Sisak Jung gives a talk on 21.08., at the MS-96 session 10:00-12:15.

“Strategy in the age of 360° sweeps”
Does the new standard of 360°of data collected at 0.1°/image excuse crystallographers from thinking and optimizing their experiments? Not at all. On 15.07. (MS-7), Marcus Müller presents how the full rotation  approach to data collection can accommodate such scenarios as extremely radiation sensitive samples and  experimental phasing. 

“Advances with EIGER2 (CdTe) detectors for Synchrotron and Laboratory” 
See Stefan Brandstetter’s poster on Friday, 20.08., between 16:10-17:10

EIGER2 CdTe detectors for hard X-ray research under extreme conditions” Tilman Donath’s poster will be presented on Saturday 21.08., between 12:45-14:45.

We wish you a great conference! See you in Prague, online or both!