Sep 08, 2020 - Sep 08, 2020

Webinar: XAFS spectroscopy in a lab

Tuesday, September 08, 2020
2 p.m. (CEST) 
with Dr. Wolfgang Malzer from the 
Berlin Laboratory for Innovative X-ray technologies

The investigation of the chemical bond state by measuring the fine structure of absorption edges (XANES, EXAFS) has so far been a domain of synchrotron radiation.

In this webinar, Dr. Wolfgang Malzer, a research scientist at the Berlin Laboratory for Innovative X-ray technologies, is presenting a modified Von Hamos laboratory spectrometer, based on pyrolytic graphite crystals and 2D hybrid photon counting detector. This new spectrometer makes it possible to achieve high-energy resolutions and large solid angles of the detection. Results of demonstration experiments and of applications in chemical research are shown. Prospects and possible use cases of laboratory XANES and EXAFS are discussed.

View the recording

About BLiX, Technical University Berlin

BLIX, the “Berlin Laboratory for Innovative X-ray technologies”, lab focuses on the development of new X-ray technologies that can be transferred to industry. This technology transfer in the field of analytical X-ray physics relies on three pillars: research, education and innovation. Current projects involve X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray microscopy. BLiX is operated by the Technical University Berlin and Max Born Institute for nonlinear optics and short pulse spectroscopy and headed by Prof. Birgit Kanngießer.